Greg Dwyer Radio with Marketing Strategist Michelle Popp

BFR Building Fortunes Radio

Michelle Popp

It’s my passion to help entrepreneurs scale their impact and income in the process. I believe we have a duty to improve people’s lives with our products and services. I’ve found my voice as a writer practicing creative writing, journalism, and SEO before falling in love with direct response copywriting and creating my own signature framework. My Compelling Copy Methodology combines brain science, storytelling, and persuasive language skills including sleight of mouth and conversational hypnosis. This combination creates copy that mesmerizes and converts your ideal clients. Storytelling, in particular, can create a deep sense of trust and authenticity. My methodology helps entrepreneurs shift their audience’s limiting beliefs and overcome objections. Most copywriters want to focus on new beliefs, but that often leaves your prospects confused. The best way to create shifts for a prospect is to acknowledge and free them from their old beliefs, giving them a more empowering belief in the process… It’s brain science.