Citizens for Health with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Discuss DARK ACT Victory on GMO Labeling
Citizens for Health with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Discuss DARK ACT Victory on GMO Labeling
Citizens for Health with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Discuss DARK ACT Victory on GMO Labeling
Citizens for Health with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Discuss Government Guidelines and Natural Products
Citizens for Health with Jim Turner on Vaccine Mandates and FDA "Natural" Definition
Citizens for Health Jim Turner and Peter Mingils on GMOs and Lawsuits
Citizens For Health Jim Turner and Peter Mingils about GMO Labeling
Citizens for Health Radio Segment with Jim Turner on GMOs and Industry News
Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Discuss The Year Wrap Up on Mercury Fillings, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Sugar and Vaccine Mandates
Citizens for Health Radio segment with Jim Turner on Dietary Supplement Company Raids and Vaccines
Jim Turner and Peter Mingils discuss FDA and Dietary Supplements
Citizens for Health Radio show with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils on Homeoprophylaxis as an Alternative for Vaccines for Immunization
Citizens for Health Radio show with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils on Economics of Farming
Citizens for Health Radio Show Jim Turner and Peter Mingils Explain Regenerative Organic Agriculture
Citizens for Health Radio show with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils on Vacinnes
Citizens for Health Radio show with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils On FTC FDA and SEC
Jim Turner from Citizens for Health explains High Fructose and Food Identity Theft
Jim Turner from Citizens for Health explains High Fructose and Food Identity Theft
Citizens for Health Radio show with Jim Turner and Peter Mingils and Mercury Filling Updates
Peter Mingils Explains How to Use Building Fortunes Radio on Citizens For Health
Peter Mingils and Jim Turner Explain Citizens for Health FDA Lawsuit On Mercury In Dental Fillings
Citizens for Health Jim Turner and Peter Mingils discuss FDA and Mercury Lawsuit