Jim Turner Attorney Citizens for Health on Capital Hill Protests and Donald Trump with Peter Mingils
Janine Avila on How to keep going and persisting whether you feel like it or not on Building Fortunes Radio with PM Marketing NetworkLeads owner…
Janine Avila on How to keep going and persisting whether you feel like it or not on Building Fortunes Radio with PM Marketing NetworkLeads owner…
Lawyer Jim Turner Citizens for Health Vaccine Procedures and Warnings and side Effects with History of Regulatory Challenges Plus Presidential Election Events involving Donald TYrump…
Building Fortunes Radio presents Jim Turner Washington DC Attorney Citizens For Health on mRNA Vaccine and FDA and the presidential Election process with Peter Mingils
Building Fortunes Radio hosts Citizens for Health Attorney Jim Turner explains Vaccine Developing and the new human experiment and Politic Election with Peter Mingils
Building Fortunes Radio announces Citizens for Health Attorney Jim Turner on Vaccines and Elections Transpartisan with Peter Mingils and how the Media and Rudy Guilliani…
Building Fortunes Radio presents Jim Turner Attorney for Citizens for Health and Peter Mingils on Politics and Health Vaccine Concerns during Pandemic and Coronavirus
Citizens for Health Attorney Jim Turner on Post Election Processes Political Questions in Washington DC with Peter Mingils and Building Fortunes Radio
CEO Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Alan Cobbs Amicus Brief and FTC vs MLM Success by Health JoDee Baer with cohost Peter Mingils
Peter Mingils interviews Citizens Attorney Jim Turner on Censorship in News and Social Media Twitter Face Book and Twitter with You Tube Bias in the…
Attorney jim Turner shares Citizens for Health knowledge on Transpartisan Review for Nutrition and Politics and History of Sackler Family Fines and Purdue Bankruptcy with…
Citizens for Health Attorney Jim Turner interviews Weston A Price Foundation Sally Fallon Morell on her Amazon banned book titled Contagion Myth on Building Fortunes…
Citizensfor health Lawyer Jim Turner on President Donald Trump and Author Bob Woodward Interview and Impact on Ploitical Process with Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes…
Citizens For Health Attorney Jim Turner explains News and Fake News Political Conventions and Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots with Peter Mingils on Building…
Citizens for Health Atty Jim Turner discusses Democratic Convention Social Medium Peter Mingils
Lawyer Jim Turner Citizends for Health on Confusion on Data about effectiveness of Masks and the football season opening and Donald Trump Explanations about United…
Washington DC Jim Turner Attorney Citizens for Health on Information and Choice for Masks and Mandatory Vaccines with Peter Mingils
Jim Turner Attorney for Citizens For Health on Coronavirus data and Decisions with Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio
Citizens For Health Attorney Jim Turner Coronavirus Mandatory Masks and Vaccines with Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio
Health Coach Jo Dee Baer delivers the perfect Independence Day Message and Updates Building Fortunes radio Audience on MLM News and the FTC Questions about…
Citizens For Health Attorney Jim Turner discusses information on Coronavirus and its effects on people and the questioin about wearing Masks and the Decisions Government…